This page collects reporting done by a variety of media outlets on the Rt. 9 projects as well as other highway removal and waterfront redevelopment projects around the country.
Seattle is Reclaiming its Waterfront — Bloomberg
Story by Bloomberg’s City Lab about Seattle’s multi-part multi-billion dollar plan to remove a highway viaduct, reclaim its waterfront, and build a large new park system.
Reconnecting Cities with Their Waterfronts — Builtworlds
A Builtworlds story about how several different cities (Chicago, Milwaukee, and Seattle) have successfully reconnected their downtown areas to their waterfront.
How Small Cities Reconnect to their Waterfronts — PBS
A PBS (WHYY) story about how small cities are finding new ways to connect to their waterfronts.
Stoplight Removal Does NOT Reduce Emissions — StreetsBlog
A Streetsblog USA story investigating the common belief that removing stoplights reduces air pollution. According to their research, while a car idling at a stoplight does produce more air pollution than a moving car, traffic volume increases on streets where stoplights are removed, generally making air pollution worse for those areas than it was when…
Urban Highway Removal – Lincoln Institute
A Lincoln Institute of Land Policy article examining the national trend of highway removal with historical background from across the country. Cases covered in more detail include Rochester (removed a segment of the highway) and New Orleans (currently in planning phase).
Can Removing Highways Fix America’s Cities? – NY Times
A fantastic interactive New York Times article (may require a subscription) that explores how many of America’s biggest cities were broken apart by highways built in the 1950s and are now exploring how to reshape or remove those highways to revive their urban communities.