Where We Are Now: Rt. 9 Projects
There are currently four projects related to the section of Rt. 9 that runs through Middletown. These projects are all intended to improve safety of drivers and pedestrians, reduce environmental impacts, support the Middletown business community, and enhance community access to the waterfront.
The connection between Rt. 9 and Rt. 17 has been redesigned to increase safety and facilitate the flow of traffic. Planning has been completed, funding acquired, and construction started in Fall 2023.
The on/off ramp at Miller Street will be closed and access to Middletown via Portland St. will be opened. Planning is completed, funding has been acquired, and construction is scheduled to begin in Spring 2024.
Middletown’s ambitious Return to the Riverbend project includes a pedestrian bridge that will connect City Hall and Harbor Park. Planning is well advanced and some funding has been acquired.
Removing the two stoplights on Rt. 9 has long been a goal of the CT Department of Transportation. The City and the State have been working to refine designs. Planning is advancing.
This page contains a number of different stories, interview quotes, maps, news reports, etc. about Middletown’s connection with Rt. 9.