Teaching Through Movement


GOVT/EAST 382: Civil Society in Comparative Perspective

Professor of Government Mary Alice Haddad incorporated a Feet to the Fire module into GOVT/EAST382 Civil Society in Comparative Perspective. The seminar examined civil societys role in mediating the dynamic interaction between the society and the state. Haddads module performed an investigation of what a global civil society concerned with global climate change might look like and worked with Visiting Instructor and CCR fellow Eiko Otake to create a module that explored this topic through movement.

Power Through Movement

Power is a difficult word to define, but an easy concept to identify. In this government course, Wesleyan University students used dance techniques to explore the environmental influences on political power structures in various countries.


Drake, Olivia. “Students Explore Japanese Politics through Movement.” The Wesleyan Connection. October 26, 2020. https://newsletter.blogs.wesleyan.edu/2020/10/26/students-explore-japanese-politics-through-movement/.
